WordXWord Festival
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A story slam is an open-mic storytelling competition open to anyone with a five-minute story to share on the event’s theme. Stories are scored by volunteer judges from the audience. Typical story slams are fast paced and high spirited with widely ranging responses to the theme. Register Online to compete!

Story Slam

A Little Luck

March 17, 7P

Dottie's, 444 North Street, Pittsfield, MA

Interested in tellling a story?

WordXWord Story Slam Rules


Conjure, channel, craft and compose your story. Practice so you can remember it without the benefits of paper. Then practice it so you can keep it down to five minutes. Tell it to your plants but know that they are a tough audience. Revise. Rework. Curse your plants for not believing in you! Revamp. Finesse. Shave off another two minutes. Try again. Voila! Forgive your plants. Indeed, they helped you see the light.

Contestants are judged on sticking to the five-minute time frame, sticking to the theme and having a story that has a conflict and a resolution.

*shamelessly borrowed/adapted from the Moth

Subject To Change